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Workers Compensation Attorney Schaumburg IL

The Ten Commandments Of Protecting Your Claim

1. REPORT. Inform your supervisor that you have suffered an injury and that it was work related within forty-five (45) days of the injury. Failure to do so could result in your claim being barred. Your employer may have special reports for you to fill out- make sure you do so.

2. MEDICAL CARE. Seek medical attention as quickly as possible. The work comp insurance company views the failure to get medical care as proof you’re not really hurt.

3. ACCURATE HISTORY Make sure you tell every medical provider the exact same very simple version of how the injury occurred, including the date of the injury. For example: “I was injured on August 16 while lifting a patient.” Anything more than that puts too much pressure on the medical provider to accurately record what you’ve reported.

4. FOLLOW DOCTORS’ ORDERS The work comp insurance company views your failure to follow the doctors’ orders as proof that you are not hurt as bad as you claim and may be faking your injury. NEVER EXCEED YOUR DOCTORS’ RESTRICTIONS.

5. WORK STATUS NOTES Obtain a work status note EVERY TIME you see your doctor. It is critical to document any medical need to be off work or working with restrictions.

6. KEEP YOUR EMPLOYER INFORMED Your employer has a right to know what your work status is. Make sure you give the employer your work status notes. Keeping your employer informed keeps the line of communications open and smooths your return to work.

7. DON’T SAY TOO MUCH. Even though you should keep your employer informed as to your medical status- that is all you should say. Do not talk about the merits of your case with anyone at any time. And by all means-STAY OFF SOCIAL MEDIA.

8. INSURANCE COMPANY. Do not talk to the claims adjuster at all if you can help it. DO NOT GIVE A RECORDED STATEMENT. If you do not have an attorney, tell the adjuster once, and only once only, HOW and WHEN you were injured. The “nurse case manager” who comes to your doctor’s appointment is not your friend, no matter how nice she is.

9 DON’T TAKE ADVICE FROM NON ATTORNEYS. Everyone is going to have an opinion on your case. Don’t take legal advice from them. They are not lawyers. Believe it or not- each case is different

10 CALL BARBER LAW OFFICES- Scott has been practicing for 33 years concentrating on workers’ compensation and personal injury cases. He will protect your right and THE FIRST CONSULATION IS FREE. He doesn’t get paid unless he gives you a check FIRST.


Workers compensation is generally described as multiple benefits that a worker can claim for if they are injured at work. When the accident or injury occurs the worker needs to get medical attention immediately and a medical report as this is crucial when lodging claims for workers compensation. If your employer disputes the claim then you require the assistance of a Workers Compensation Attorney Schaumburg IL and one of the best in the business is Barber Law Offices LLC who has over many years successfully represented both workers and employers respectively. Whether you are the injured party or the employer it is always best to err on the side of caution and consult a Workers Compensation lawyer to resolve the issue and reach a settlement before it becomes a dispute that escalates into a full scale battle to receive compensation and eventually winds up in the courts. Workers Compensation Attorney Schaumburg IL who has offices in your area has a reputation of excellence and professionalism and will handle the dispute or settlement quickly and successfully.The Barber Law Offices LLC will represent you irrespective of what industry you may be employed in, whether you belong to a Union or not or whether you are employed in the private sector or are employed by a government department or the State as a whole. If you are daunted by all the legal ramifications and who to consult then contact Barber Law Offices and get their expert opinion.

If you have a dispute of any kind, related to a workers compensation dispute or even just a settlement disagreement then don’t hesitate to call a Workers Compensation lawyer and get the satisfaction finalizing the compensation or settlement dispute. They will advise you also on what documents and doctor or hospital records are required to substantiate your claim and as to the level of compensation that you could possibly receive. They will also inform you as to whether you can claim from your employer’s company insurance for pain and suffering and other related claims.

The Barber Law Offices has over many years regularly dealt with compensation issues and the frequency of this practice has ensured that their specialist attorneys are certified in this field. A workers compensation issue or dispute has to be dealt with relatively soon after the injury has occurred to ensure that you are duly compensated quickly if you are out of or off work for any length of time. There are also other possible claims that could be filed if you are seriously injured and these can be dealt with by a Workers Compensation Attorney Schaumburg IL.

Workers Compensation lawyers have decades of experience and have the professional expertise to deal with any compensation claims.. They will give you the best legal help in a friendly and expeditious manner to ensure a successful outcome. If you are in any doubt at all the call an attorney at Barber Law Office LLC to put your mind at peace that you are getting the best legal assistance available.

For more information click here.